Saturday, November 14, 2009

Here it comes!!!

Goodness gracious, it's almost Thanksgiving!

Here I was, what seems like days ago, wondering if I could find time for a Halloween post (That would have been interesting) when all of a sudden here we are, well into November! Thanksgiving is coming up, then Christmas is just around the corner! But you know what's even closer? The Christmas Cantata. Which means, my SOLO. And that, my friend, is a scary thought. Another scary thing about Christmas coming so soon is that I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. None at all. Which is totally out of my character. Last year, I started shopping in August. Weird, I know. But maybe that's it. Maybe I'm just now becoming normal and shopping at a normal time of the year. But whatever.

So Thanksgiving is almost here. And since everyone else does it, I guess I'll make a list of what I'm thankful for:

  • An incredible Savior who loved me enough that He died just so I could be with Him.
  • Everyone in my family, even those I haven't seen or spoken to in years. I'm thankful for you all.
  • All my amazing, funny, crazy, wonderful friends!
  • Books. All those Egyptians who invented hieroglyphics, and all those monks who had to sit and copy books all day long. I salute you.
  • Trees. They have more uses then a Swiss Army knife. It's awesome.
  • Humor. The ability to laugh. It's one of those things we take for granted.
  • Good food. That's something you become more thankful for around Thanksgiving
  • Spell Check. Because otherwise you'd be all like, "Tanks giving what?"
  • Indoor plumbing.
  • Multicolor-striped, knee-high toe socks. No joke. They are amazing.
  • Life Jackets. For those of us who can't seem to float.
  • A sister who works at a bakery and brings home doughnuts.
  • People who spell the word 'doughnuts' with the appropriate number of letters
  • Good movies to watch on rainy days.
  • Music.
  • Fog, early in the morning. The coolest thing ever.
  • Cute, fuzzy animals. The kind that make you go "awww!"
  • Polite people.

And the list could go on and on and on and on and on and on. (And it kinda did already, didn't it?) But that's just the way I am I suppose. But I'd like to add, that if I have any new readers/followers, I'm very thankful for you too! Aww, isn't that nice? But anyway, I will write more later!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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