Friday, April 9, 2010

Weather Woes and Other Such Things

is it just me or does anybody else think that Indiana weather is the weirdest ever? Seriously, on Wednesday I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, totally ready to go outside and wade in the creek or something, and then yesterday I had to pull out my fleece because it was so cold! This morning it was 39 degrees...I'm sorry, but that is just not acceptable. The poor daffodils are like, "What happened?!" I feel so sorry for them...they waited all year to be able to pop up out of the ground and show off their dainty yellow petals, and then, "BAM!" they get blasted with marble-sized hail and then shiver in the cold. So sad.

My sister Sarah is off at the Hoosier Horse Fair this weekend, where she will spend her time shopping, watching horse training clinics, doing 4-H stuff, and eating pork BBQ sandwiches. Meanwhile, I'm working at the shop as usual. Today we completely switched around the back room and cleared off two tables. Tomorrow will probably be more of the same. I finally have gotten confident with the cash register, and rang up two sales yesterday all by my little self. That may seem a small feat to some people, but for me, it was a giant leap for Hannahkind.

That's the basic update I suppose...unfortunately, I have yet to think of a thrilling topic for a post. BUT, eventually, one shall be thought of, and there will be an entire, creative, thought-provoking, amazing post for you to read. Aren't you excited? You should be. I am. And I don't even know what I'm going to write about yet!

Oh, did I mention I finished Sense and Sensibility a few weeks ago? Ah, lovely book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ooh, also, this is fun: I also wrote an article for the Miniature Gazette, a magazine for dollhouse miniaturists across America. I was told to write about I wrote a 2-page article about-- well, my 'journey in miniature' I guess you could call it. No pressure, right? So this will be my first time getting published! It's pretty exciting. I shall finally, officially, go from 'writer' to 'author'. The difference being, of course, that an 'author' is actually published. :) Well, I suppose that's all for now. I must now say farewell.


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