Monday, March 15, 2010

Ah. It has happened again. No inspiration. How sad. Well, at times like this, there is simply nothing to do but post an interesting photo and write a few random paragraphs about how interesting it is. Except for one thing: No interesting photos have been found recently. So, now what? Well, in such circumstances, one can only use one's imagination. This will be good for you, get those brain cells rubbing together after a winter of letting them sit offense, or anything. Okay, look at this amazing photo of beautiful English countryside:

*amazing photo of beautiful English countryside,
including a lovely English manor,
complete with a barouche in the courtyard.
And a pasture of horses,
and a wishing well,
with magical sparkles floating around it,
and also a rabbit hopping about.*

I love that photo. It's just so awesome! The lighting is fantastic. The manor looks very Jane Austen-ish. Speaking of her, I've actually started reading Sense & Sensibility. I'm at chapter 10, and thought I was like reading super-fast and would be done in no time till I realized the book has 50 chapters. It's an excellent book though, as you probably have heard. Reading it makes me feel very literary.

In that photo though, it's amazing how much detail is in it. Like you can actually see Big Ben in the distance if you look hard enough. And if you look up to the second-story window of the manor you can see Cinderella hanging out in her room, listening to her iPod and brushing her hair.

Speaking of hair, I don't think I've mentioned on here that I am growing out my hair to donate to Locks of Love. I still have like four inches to go before it's long enough to cut and send, so I'll probably look like Rapunzel for a while.

Oh, and by the way, a barouche is a fancy four-wheeled carriage they had back in the day. (Jane Austen will totally improve your vocabulary; it makes me feel smart when she uses a big word that I know. Like 'sanguine' or 'acquiescence'.)

Well...that's all for now. Oh and I do have copyright on that photo, so if you copy it, you will be fined 133,986,586,695 hundred, 83,445,63 thousand million dollars. Just so you know. :)


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