Friday, February 19, 2010

Snowball fights, guitar lessons, and the woes of being a Bluestocking.

Okay, yeah I know I haven't blogged in a while because

But, I assure you my time not spent blogging has been spent wisely.


Yeah, anyway, I had a really long tiring day, that ended in an even more tiring snowball fight with my sister. We weren't angry at each other or anything it's just that when the snow melts enough to make snowballs, you have to have a snowball fight. It's pretty much THE LAW. I mean, I go outside, test the snow, it's nice and sticky--yes!--I look around, 'Oh look, there's Sarah', smack! Actually, my aim isn't the greatest, so the first couple times I pretty much missed her entirely.


Tomorrow will be way fun because Sarah and I are starting guitar lessons again, this time from an amazing guy named Dave...he is an awesome guitar player. He tuned my guitar in about 30 seconds; IT WAS INSANE. Sarah is also wanting me to learn to play piano, so we can start a chick band...with Dave. :)

Other than that...not much is happening around here.

On another subject, you cannot possibly comprehend the abuse I endure day after day. My family is under the impression that my use of what somewhat superfluous words is humorous. Today I was in the back seat of the truck, trying to reach a bag in the front seat. I was about a half an inch from reaching it. "Fail," my sister with the large vocabulary said. "Hmph," I replied. "This coat is restricting the natural length of my arms." And for some reason my dear mother and sister thought this terribly amusing.


One would think they would have better things to do with they're time than ridicule my speech.

But most unfortunately, though this post in quite short in comparison to others, I must leave you now to go view a film with my lovely family.



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