Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time Flies...

It's funny how time slips by.

I always find it hard to believe that its been over five years since we left the city and moved down here. It's weird looking at pictures from a year ago and saying, "Man, I look so young there!" It seems to me that every year goes by faster, more stuff to do and less time to do it all. Time in general is just a very strange thing.

It just doesn't seem normal for a girl my age to say, "Remember back in the day..." and yet I find myself doing that more and more lately. I'll have sudden deja vu and remember things from my past that I'd thought I'd forgotten. Sadly no brilliant and philosophical memories, but rather things like the kind of yogurt I used to eat when I was little. :)

If you were hoping the brilliant and philosophical thing, you might as well stop reading. I just needed something to write about and that's a good excuse for a flashback. And though my memories of things like two flavors of yogurt in one cup may seem a bit superfluous, I assure that back in my day, two-tone yogurt was the coolest thing ever.

And there I go again. 'Back in my day...'
Seriously, if I start going on about having to walk 24 miles to school uphill both ways and having to do my homework on a shovel, please stop me.

But even though 'my day' really wasn't that long ago, it was definitely a lot different. After all, Pluto was a planet back then. 'Yield' signs were yellow. And vampires were actually scary, what a concept. Ferbie was an amazing scientific discovery. And we actually survived without Hannah Montana. We watched actual cartoons, like Recess or Doug. We rode our bikes. We climbed trees. We ate mini corn dogs. We went rollerblading.

And we lived to tell the tale.

Life was so much simpler back then. It seems as though with every generation comes more technology, more inventions, more opinions, and more things that are supposed to help you deal with the more technology, inventions, and opinions. It's a vicious cycle.

So in an attempt to make sense of all this gobbledygook, I say all of that to say this: Don't complain that life is too complicated. Because someday you'll look back and say,
"Life was so much simpler back then..."

-- Hannah <3

Saturday, October 24, 2009

An Important Lesson and Update

I am quite upset with myself.
I, the one who hates to see a story unfinished, has neglected to write on here for not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR months! All I can say is it's a good thing I don't have many followers, otherwise I'd have a mutiny on my hands.

But what excuse can I give? I could say that my last post was quite true and that summer was incredibly hectic and crazy. But we are now well into the month of October, which, as you know, brings us into the season of Autumn, which is much less hectic for the average person. So with no excuses I can only let this post be a lesson to you; a lesson in forgiveness.

As a general update, life is as crazy as always. Practice has been going for a while now for the choir's Christmas Cantata. And you would never guess who got the solo---yup, Hannah the Soloist, that's me. I guess that's better then dancing--but that's another story.

The Great American Novel is still in progress, though still at the 'almost done' stage that it's been in for about a year. I know what's going to happen, I just don't have that much time to write. I'm not deprived of writing, though. I couldn't stop if I wanted to. As long as I've got a notebook (of either the paper or laptop variety) I'll be writing.

I'm still singing with the Youth Group; amazing the congregation with my skills of singing harmony. Oh well, that dream of being a pop star was pretty short-lived. Besides, Hannah Montana totally stole my name...

And that about wraps it up for now. I'm proud of myself for finding the time to write this. I'll try my best to continue posting all my new adventures and discoveries. Speaking of which, I'm totally addicted to recording my voice on our camera and then speeding it up so I sound like the Chipmunks. Three words: Coolest. Thing. Ever.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to my friend Emily; looking at her blog was really what got me writing today. Thanks for the inspiration!

Well, time flies and there are horses that need fed--I'll write more in the promising light of a new day. AKA, whenever I'm not incredibly busy. Double AKA, it might be a while before I post again. :)